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My Child Is More Capable Than Their Grades Reflect

Julie Murray


By now, you’ve probably received your child’s first quarter report card. How did the first 10 weeks of school go? Do you think your child is capable of more than their grades reflect? Do you think a different educational approach may help?


Here are 6 steps to take when your child is significantly struggling in school:


Have an honest conversation with your child’s teacher(s) – be certain they understand your child’s strengths, needs, and recognize his/her learning challenges, and potential as a learner. Work together on strategies that are effective at home and school.


Request a CSE (Committee on Special Education) meeting if your child’s needs are not being met, or if your child is not making progress in his/her current setting.


Get ready for successful CSE meetings! Organize your child’s information in a binder.

Know your child’s IEP and their rights related to it. Write down data and points to share with the team. Also be prepared to listen. Resources for you: NYSED; Starbridge; IDEA vs. Sec. 504


Research school and community-based support options, tutoring, and alternative schools. Begin to visit and apply to programs. View our Admissions Road Map.


The support of an advocate or attorney may be necessary – many in our community are free. Here is a list of some Rochester-area resources.


Progress doesn’t always happen quickly. Carefully evaluate the changes in your child’s academic performance– stick with interventions long enough to see if they work.

If you find an alternative setting and choose to pursue district placement, please understand it is often hard-won and a long process. You know what is best for your family – we are here to help along the way! Contact Julie


Our families call The Norman Howard School a positive turning point for their children who learn differently. They use words like “transformative” to describe the change they see, often just a short time after joining our school, areas of: academics, relationships, social skills, self-image, and well-being.

Here is what NHS parents are saying:

I truly believe that Norman Howard saved my child. Teacher's believed in him, explained things to him, and encouraged him. They didn't make him feel stupid. They didn't make him feel dumb. They saw his potential and they helped him see it too. Teachers gave him back his confidence. Day after day I saw smile after smile. I saw pride. I saw someone who finally believed in himself.

With small class size and consistent use of academic strategies and supports, my child is reengaging in the learning process. There is never a time that my child does not have the opportunity to express herself.

Although she is just getting started there, we are excited about our daughter’s future and feel very blessed at her acceptance in your program. She always has such positive things to say about the students and staff each night. She takes pride in being a student at NH and we feel strongly that she will continue to blossom and realize her full potential. Our family has seen remarkable growth in our daughter in the short time she has been under your roof.

We offer a students a sense of belonging and a safe environment to learn and grow. Call today to schedule a personal tour – and view our Admissions Road Map

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