We hope you find helpful information in this section for our NHS families.
Parent &
Helpful Resources
We have compiled the following links to useful websites that may be helpful to you in your understanding of learning challenges, advocacy, support services, post high school transition, careers, college, and more!
This does not represent an endorsement of these sites or products, and we take no responsibility for the content of these sites.
Understanding Learning Differences & "Disabilities"
The International Dyslexia Association
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Other Disorders that can Impact Learning
National Resource Center on AD/HDTourette Syndrome "Plus"
Coping with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
Assistive Technology
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
Recording For The Blind & DyslexicGinger Software
Livescribe SmartpenScanSoft's Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Kurzweil Educational SystemsDon Johnston Software
National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education through Technology, Media and Materials
Advocacy Issues & Organizations
www.wrightslaw.comSchwab Foundation for Learning
National Center for Learning Disabilities LD PRIDE 0NLINE
Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA)Starbridge
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)Empire Justice Center
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Summer Camps
Career Exploration
Career Services
Vocational Training
Post High School Transition Resources
College Search
Standardized Tests/Preparation
PSAT/SAT www.collegeboard.org
Services for Students with Disabilities www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/reg/ssd.html
ACT www.act.org
Services for Students with Disabilities www.act.org/aap/disab/index.html
Test Prep and Review:
EnCompass Resources for Learning www.encompasslearning.org
Chariot Learning www.chariotlearning.com
Monroe Community College www.monroecc.edu/go/workforce
Rochester Educational www.reoc.brockport.edu
College Applications
College Financial Aid/Scholarships
Selective Service Registration